
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Isaac Mizrahi

Isaac Mizrahi for Target sunglasses

It has come to my attention that people completely underestimate the powerful awesomeness of Target, which now and then  has (very important!) designers to a cheaper version of one of their fashion lines. Have you even seen the Missoni or Jason Wu collection? If not, make like a banana and split! (If you did not understand that oddly confusing sentence, it means go to Google images or Bing or whatever and search it.)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Halloween costumes

So, we are having Halloween soon and I'm going to be katniss From the hunger games and post a comment and tell me what/who your're going to be. (that is only if you can). And I will be posting Halloween posts soon so, have lots of candy and don't forget to brush your teeth!

Elsie.   :) :):):):):):):):):)